Dome School – YouTube Streaming Video


This Virtual Dome School is a 12 hour YouTube Streaming Video of our May, 2021, Virtual Dome School. The fee for this Dome School Video is $195.
To order this video, Click on “Add to cart” below. You will be given a link to the YouTube video. You can watch as your time allows, going back to it as often as you need.
No plane fare or car costs, no motel room costs, no travel time with last wages from work. However, you will be missing the 5-day scrumptious meals we serve during our live Dome School.
Click Here to see an outline of the 12 hour dome school session.


SKU: VDS Category:


Have questions? Give us a call or email

Call to order – 651- 674-4292
International Orders – 01-651-674-4292

Additional information

Workshop Date

Virtual Dome School May 1st & 2nd, Virtual Dome School Digital Download Video


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