Raise Your Dome With Exclusive Virtual Support from NSD Experts

Natural Spaces Virtual Dome School, our extensive construction manual, and our face to face Zoom consultations will help you or your contractor through the process of raising your dome.  However, if you would like additional support, we can provide that to you virtually.
We have learned so much as a result of COVID19 including the value and success of virtual Zoom, Google, or Facetime
We have learned so much as a result of COVID19 including the value and success of virtual Zoom, Google, or Facetime communications.
We have learned so much as a result of COVID19 including the value and success of virtual Zoom, Google, or Facetime
If you feel you would be more comfortable on your dome raising day with an added support person from NSD, we can schedule virtual consulting as you and your volunteers are raising your dome. You will need on-site either a computer, laptop, iPadtablet or smartphone (preferably an iPhone for Facetime). An iPad or tablet may be the best.
Here are the estimated costs for a day or two of support from our experts.  Your dome raising day will be scheduled exclusively for you so our dome expert will be available during the day to answer questions, provide experienced advice, and show you our best practices for erecting your Natural Spaces Dome.
We have learned so much as a result of COVID19 including the value and success of virtual Zoom, Google, or Facetime
You can buy virtual support in 6 hour (minimum) to 10 hour blocks of continuous time per day:
6 hours  $540
8 hours   $680
10 hours  $800
We have learned so much as a result of COVID19 including the value and success of virtual Zoom, Google, or Facetime
When the time comes that we can safely send an NSD supervisor to a dome raising, the cost will be considerably higher.  The extra cost includes travel (plane or car expenses and travel hours), motel, meals, and rental vehicles.
We have learned so much as a result of COVID19 including the value and success of virtual Zoom, Google, or Facetime
Virtual consultations and meetings are the environmental answer.
Check with us and reserve your dome raising scheduled date(s).
We have learned so much as a result of COVID19 including the value and success of virtual Zoom, Google, or Facetime
Natural Spaces Domes
37955 Bridge Road, North Branch, Minnesota