Ventilation Cupola Cover
This is what the low profile vent cupola looks like on a 40′ diam. Dome.

The diagram at left shows a detailed view of the ventilation which takes place in the wall. In a standard roof the summer heat will penetrate through the insulation into the home. Our exclusive ventilated wall & roof cavity works just like the old-time double roof. The heated air inside the shell cavity rises in our air space between the insulation and plywood. This creates a chimney effect, pulling in cooler ground air through the base vents and getting rid of the hot air through the top vents.
Attic Cupola
At right is an inside look at our attic cupola without the loft floor. The windows provide excellent natural whole house ventilation.

The windows are operated by an extended pole crank or by the touch of a button if you have the optional electric operators.
The awning windows are protected from rain by the overhang of the cupola roof. With an electric operator, you can also have a rain sensor closer control.
Although we call this type of cupola the “view” cupola because of its windows, its original intent was for ventilating the inside living space of the dome. As the hot air rises to the top, wind action over and around the cupola sucks the hot air out of the leeward side. Just utilizing old-fashioned principles.
There is a certain amount of light gain with all the windows up top but that should not be the main reason for choosing a cupola.
The standard window height in our view cupola is 24”. We can adjust the height above the dome to allow for taller windows. This would also raise the floor of the skyloft.
The actual diameter of the cupola is dependent upon the opening created by the top pentagon in each dome size.
Attic View Cupolas with Skyloft Floor

Our optional skyloft is suspended from the dome framework putting you at eye level with the cupola windows.
Breathtaking views of the horizon. The ultimate dome home observation platform -with or without a telescope. A retreat space to end all.
The skyloft is actually a very simple structure to build. We set up a vertical “strut” in each corner of the top pentagon. The roof struts are attached to the top of these posts and the floor joists to the bottom

The floor joists and roof struts are each joined at the center to a Natural Spaces hub unit forming an extremely strong and rigid connection.

Access to the skyloft can be by a stair/ladder or a ‘disappearing’ type stair. Small spiral stairs will also work.
Window seats (left) are usually set up under one or two of the windows.

Windows do not have to be put on all sides – there is usually a chimney flue coming up one side or maybe you want to block out a certain view. For security and air flow, a railing (right) is built between floor & dome.
Other dome companies have to support their cupola from below. Ours seems to float while being strong enough to safely support as many people as can physically fit in the cupola.