Dome in Temuco, Chile Survives 7.5 Magnitude Earthquake

The letter below is from our Chilean customer dated 3/2/2010

“Dear Tim at Natural Spaces Domes

Thanks for your concern.

Fortunately, all my family and all the people of my company are well.

Our homes and our offices has no problem. However, I can not say the same of many Chilean people. This earthquake is one of the most hard of the world.

In this moment, Santiago has a 85% of your electricity supply, but in the cities near the epicenter has not more than 10% of electricity supply.

The highways that connect the principal cities of CHILE are all with severe problems.

Without electricity, the water, combustible and food supply is not assured in cities near earthquake epicenter and we are seeing the first problems with despair of the people.

Only from today, the first help caravane arrive to cities with food and water.

I think that the food/electricity/water supply situation will be completely controlled within next 10 to 20 days.

The epicenter of earthquake was located on Cauquenes city.

Cauquenes is located 400 Km away Santiago.

Dome is located on Temuco city; Temuco is located 700 Km away Santiago

The intensity of earthquake on Cauquenes over 9.

The intensity in Santiago was 8.3 and in Temuco was 7.5Click to enlarge

For more detailed info, please (click here)

But the life need to continue….Map of geodesic dome location in Chile

In Temuco city, many buildings and homes will be destroyed due to structural faults after earthquake.

Related with my NSD, I have no opportunity yet to see (with my own eyes) the structure, but friend people located on Temuco city that already visit NSD site, inform me that NSDome have not any damage on the structure and have not any damage on windows (recently mounted). In this days, my partner is putting shingles on the ceiling.

Please see last pictures attached corresponding of Febraury 22.

In resume, NSDome respond very well to earthquake and probably is the one of the best anti-earthquake structure.

This week end, we will finish the ceiling work and we start working with the Dome interior (floor, kitchen and bathroom). I will inform you with new pictures when ready.

Many people already visit my dome and I need to expend very much time to explain about constructive characteristics of Domes.

With best regards