The 24″ to 48″ hexagon skylights described at right are designed to fit within most triangles of any dome.
The 52″ to 72″ hexagon skylights described at right are sometimes designed to fit over the center of a hexagon grouping of triangles. The struts behind the glass may be able to be removed, giving you an unobstructed view through the skylight.
The cost of one of these large hexagon skylights is less than the cost of a grouping made up of six individual triangle skylights. One large hexagon without any struts in between is very impressive. The only limitation in placement is that you cannot have an extension opening on either side of the skylight. The 64″ and larger sizes are made with 1/4″ glass and double 2×4 frames. All skylights use 1/4″ tempered glass in all panes. The standard glass is solar ban 60 on solar bronze glass (A light tint). With solar ban 90 (a thermal low e coating) on surface #3 with argon gas in-between the panes. Skylights include lag screws for mounting and membrane flashing for integrating to a shingle roof.
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