Frost Protected Shallow Footing (FPSF)

FPSFs increase home energy efficiency because the slab edge is insulated. They provide frost protection equal to or better than that provided by deep foundations because FPSFs are based on stringent ground conditions using the coldest winter temperatures likely to occur in each area of the country in 100 years. In addition, raising the frost line reduces construction costs by decreasing excavation depths and disturbs less soil on the site.

Also, the Bear Creek Dome footings have more insulation than usually required.

Note: This chart is for 2′-3′ depth

Model Diameter Price
500 26′ $8,600 – 9,900
625 29′ $9,600 – 11,000
650 30′ $9,900 – 11,400
650 33′ $11,000 – 12,600
950 36′ $11,900 – 13,600
1250 40′ $13,200 – 15,200
1600 46′ $15,200 – 17,500
1800 49′ $16,200 – 18,200
2800 60′ $19,800 – 22,800

For a link to the design manual for the frost protected shallow footing click here.

Foundation Pictures