Hubcaps $10.00 / each
“Hubcaps” are circular-shaped pieces of 3/4” spruce approximately 5” in diameter. They cover the center at each of the points where the interior triangles meet. The circles are rabbeted on the back side creating a lip to hide the end of the batten. This allows the battens to be cut with a simple straight cut on each end instead of a double miter cut.
26’ & 29’ Mid Domes require approx. 25 Hub Caps
30’ – 40’ Low Domes require approx. 45 Hub Caps
30’ – 40’ High Domes require approx. 60 Hub Caps
45’ – 49’ Low Domes require approx. 70 Hub Caps
44’ – 51′ Mid Domes require approx. 90 Hub Caps
56′ – 60′ Mid Domes require approx. 125 Hub Caps
74′ Mid Domes require approx. 190 Hub Caps
Batten strips

Batten strips cover the joint between the interior tongue and groove wood triangles. Prices are for clear pine 1/4” X 1 3/4” – wide enough to cover most gaps and the nail heads on the panels. The #1-grade clear pine is a good match for the interior spruce triangles.
1 3/4″ X 1/4″ = $1.10/lin ft. (est.)
We also provide 2 1/4” wide batten strips needed for finishing between the interior panel and the skylight trim. Because of the angle, this batten needs to be 1/2″ wider.
2 1/4″ X 1/4″ = $1.50/lin ft. (est.)
Skylight trim
We do not make an interior panel for the skylight window triangles. We supply you with matching spruce boards for finishing the interior from the window over to the interior 2X4 strut. Exact amounts are based on the number of skylights. Approx. 50 – 85 lin. ft. per skylight is needed. The grade is #2 Premium selected Spruce. T & G, V-jointed.
1×8 Spruce = $2.40/lin ft.